Application requirements
In addition to completing the university application applicants must:
- Submit a repertoire list of all works studied and performed. Upload your repertoire list to the “Program Specific Question” of the University Graduate Application.
- Complete an audition on your instrument.
NOTE: The School of Music is not accepting applications for Piano Pedagogy for the 2023-24 or 2024-25 academic year.
Learn more about the university application and get started now.
Learn more about the audition requirements.
About Master of Music, Piano Pedagogy
Through national and international presentations, master classes, performances, and publications, our piano pedagogy faculty members are among the most visible, with many of their publications used extensively as standard resource texts on piano literature, favored editions of solo piano music, and texts for college group piano classes. Our graduates hold positions in prestigious universities throughout the world and are leaders in the music industry as composers, teachers and administrators.
In addition to the Master of Music in piano pedagogy, a cognate in piano pedagogy may be pursued as part of the Doctor of Musical Arts in Performance and Literature.
In collaboration with the Office of Public Engagement in the School of Music, a Piano Laboratory Program is offered for pre-collegiate non-credit piano instruction. Our goal is to provide an excellent curriculum that prepares our students to be versatile teachers and performers in the 21st Century.
Learn more about the degree requirements for the MM, Piano Pedagogy by visiting the academic catalog.
Learn more information about campus and university policies by visiting the Graduate College Handbook.
Piano Pedagogy faculty