Talent Requirements for Application
To be considered for acceptance into the BMUS in Composition program, applicants must:
- Complete an audition on your primary instrument.
- Submit a portfolio of 3 to 5 original compositions for any instrumentation, including electronic music. Be sure to proof-read scores and make them as professional looking as possible. Please include recordings if you have them.
- Participate in a 10-minute interview with members of the Composition/Theory faculty. During the interview, applicants will be asked about their musical background, educational interests, and long-term professional goals. Applicants will also have the opportunity to ask the faculty questions.
Learn more about the university application and get started now.
Learn more about the audition requirements.
Instructions on how to submit your portfolio.
About Bachelor of Music, Composition
Composition-Theory prepares students for careers as composers and educators, as well as graduate study in composition or music theory. We offer comprehensive course work in composition and music theory, with specialized courses in:
- Orchestration
- Analysis
- Music informatics
- Recording
- Experimental and electro-acoustic music
- Computer music
Learn more about the degree requirements for the BMUS, Composition by visiting the academic catalog.

Hear your compositions played by talented musicians
Opportunities include the New Opera Initiative which focuses on new work by students and visiting composers, the 21st Century Piano Commission Award which pairs student composers and pianists and presents annual concerts at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, the Illinois Modern Ensemble, and many more.