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Marching Illini

Dr. Barry Houser, director
Dr. Hannah Rudy, assistant director
MUSC 487
MTWF 5:00-6:30 PM & R 8:00-9:30 PM
141 Harding Band Building

Marching Illini

For over a century, the “Nation’s Premier College Marching Band,” the Marching Illini has captivated audiences across the nation with spectacular performances and innovative concepts. The unique style of the Marching Illini represents a combination of time-honored traditions and exciting innovations. Whether performing in historic Memorial Stadium or around the country, the Marching Illini has held a level of national distinction and reputation for excellence that makes them The Best Band In The Land.

All members of the Marching Illini are chosen by a music and marching audition, and represent every academic discipline on campus.  They are a very select and close-knit organization made up of the finest and most dedicated students in the unversity.  While two of the largest concentrations of majors in the Marching Illini include engineering and music, the band includes members from all majors and disciplines across campus. Members come from across the country and throughout our home state of Illinois.

The Marching Illini is comprised of woodwinds, brass, percussion, feature twirlers, dancers (Illinettes), and colorguard. For more information on how to audition for the Marching Illini please visit this site: Marching Illini and Athletic Bands website